About being on television and feeling comfortable in your own skin…

Television and feeling comfortable in your own skin - DIY - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger

photo by Kimberly Chau Photography

A few months ago The Live Well Network asked if I’d be interested in filming a short segment of DIY’s with them. I obviously hopped on that train, and Native Citizen graciously offered there (uber cool) space to film in. Basically it all worked out. Now, fast forward to today..

The segment finally aired (which you can watch here, if you’d like), and I’m finding myself afraid to even watch it! It’s not that anything bad happened while filming, it’s just that I have this insecurity somewhere inside me that instantly says “Oh gosh, what could this possibly look like..”. Why is that? Why would an opportunity to grow my business make me want to cringe at first instinct? I post projects here all of the time.

At the end of the day, it really all comes down to learning to feel comfortable in your own skin, regardless of where you are or what you’re doing. I’m definitely much more so then I ever have been, but I wonder at what age I’ll really come to know that feeling. All of that being said, I also never want to think more highly of myself than I ought to either. At the end of the day, I really only have what I have because of God’s grace.

What do you think? Do you ever have those cringing moments?

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  1. I just got a chance to view the video and I am being totally honest here..you have the perfect voice for tv. You held my attention easily with each project and the money it took to make these?, I can just shake my piggy bank and let a few coins come out and off to the craft store:)

  2. I definitely feel that way sometimes. Something about being able to see yourself on camera is so strange and uncomfortable!

  3. I think you did a fantastic job Ashley! So fun to put a voice to your photo. Great job!! You are so talented, creative and super organized and a beautiful woman. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  4. LOVED the video, Ash!! I have a hard time watching myself on camera too… but clearly you have nothing to worry about! ;) Awesome job!!

  5. I thought the video was great! Fun ideas, and beautifully executed! I agree though, it is a little tough to watch myself on video, especially if I feel like I wasn’t quite being myself. I just made my first diy video too :)

  6. Ash! You did an awesome job! The video is so cute and you (as always) are so cute.

  7. It’s always hard to watch yourself on camera, or to even listen to your own voice, because watching a play-back of yourself seems foreign to you. Or, it does to me! To me, I don’t sound or act like what I see in a video recording, so it’s a strange feeling to watch myself and see that THAT is what I sound/look like! And that is what makes me cringe, ultimately. That probably doesn’t make any sense.

    But learning to feel comfortable in your own skin does take some practice. You have to stop nitpicking at every small thing that isn’t ‘perfect’, and learn to love yourself for the individual and miracle that you are!

    Just keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re great at it. I always look forward to your posts!

  8. The video was awesome- love the projects you chose. Growing can always feel uncomfortable, but the change it brings is rewarding!!!

  9. The video was SUPER cute (and I adore the projects you chose to feature). I totally relate with your fears, but you did a great job on this project =) Hope it gives you more confidence going forward!

  10. I too can’t watch myself on camera. I freak out watching my facial expressions. I don’t know where it comes from either. I too hope I can get more comfortable with myself on camera. If you learn the secret, please share!

  11. Your video looks awesome, Ashley! You are definitely more brave than I am…I would totally freeze up in front of a camera. You always have such clever and amazing ideas and I know you’ll grow more comfortable each time you step out of your comfort zone. Way to go, girl!