We’re Looking for Workshop Partners!

We're Looking for Workshop Parnters!

With the new studio underway and a whole slew of fresh ideas for workshops in 2015, we’re looking for workshop partners to team up with to create even bigger and better classes and concepts for both workshop attendants and online recaps.

If you’re interested in having your brand featured on the blog and locally in the classes with either goodie bag products, providing the light bites and sips, or by sponsoring a class, fill out this quick survey to let us know how you want to be involved!

In the meantime, we’re working feverishly to finish up the new studio to host the first workshop of the year at the end of March. Don’t worry, we’ll be announcing all of the yearly calendar details with you soon enough!

Please note that we may earn a commission for some of the above affiliate links. However, products featured are independently selected and personally well-loved by us!