Be You, You Are Enough: Our Salt Flats Videos
As many pretty things as we dream up around here, I sometimes forget what it’s like to create just for the sake of creating. It’s not that I don’t love getting to share content with you here, that’s by far my favorite part of running Sugar & Cloth, it’s just that it feels very different when the pressure is on to have to create something. I guess that’s the funny thing about making a hobby into a consistent career, isn’t it?
All of the sudden what was fun can become slightly intimidating and overwhelming. When your livelihood and those of the people working for you are depending on steady growth, and bigger and better things, it’s easy for creating and being creative to become a burden and not a blessing. Or even worse, everything has to have reason.
To break the mold, we created something just for fun, for no real reason at all, and because having the reminder to just be you is enough. It was all about letting your inner color and character radiate even in a place that seems desolate.
After some late nights waking up and jotting down ideas mixed with some spur of the moment winging it, we dreamt up this Be You, You Are Enough: Our Salt Flats videos and photo shoot.
Of course this doesn’t just apply to creatives. Needless to say, with the world the way it is, we could all use a some encouragement to not be afraid to live colorfully, whatever that may look like.
The loose idea was that it’s easy for us to all wander in black and white, but we really shine when we live in full color. Maybe that comes across to you through the video, and maybe it doesn’t, but I have to say it was a once in lifetime experience getting to create this with Jared and Kim & Jesse Moore from Modern-Atelier to share with you from the beauty that is the Salt Flats in Utah!

Creating all of the different ideas on spot was definitely no small fete and was a TON of trial and error. I have to say… don’t try this at home with the smoke grenades! They definitely put off heat and ashes that aren’t the most pleasant feeling to say the least.
We also used a lot of colored cornstarch (or holi powder) for the additional images, so don’t fret about the safety or integrity of the Salt Flats afterward! All was A-okay, and easy to wash away.
Though it looked warm because of the blue skies, it was actually freezing once you accounted for the wind-chill. This was the parka I borrowed from Kim in between shots, and I even had hand-warmers stuffed in my shoes!
We were lucky enough to be introduced to Sarah Knight who helped us out for the day. If you’re ever looking for a photographer or extra set of creative hands in Salt Lake City, she’s your girl! This is her committing 150% to laying on the freezing cold ground with smoke grenades in hand to make the shot happen. This woman is a total champion!
To get the drone footage where I’m running with a trail of yellow smoke on my feet, we gaff taped a smoke grenade to my shoe. Needless to stay you shouldn’t try this at home, it definitely puts out extreme heat!
It’s always fun getting to work with Kim & Jesse, who also filmed our Cool Photo School. They’re so go with the flow, but also really innovative and fun to be around. We’re basically looking for a reason to hire them at any given moment, ha!

To squeeze as much out of the trip as we could, we also brought along Jesse’s new scooter… and tied balloons and smoke grenades too. I mean, why not?! Jared still thinks he’s Tom Cruise after getting to drive this bad boy around, and K&J got some fun snaps on it too.
This was definitely a day I’ll never forget, and I’m so thankful to The Moore’s for being down for our crazy ideas. Hopefully it brought you some color and inspiration!
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