An Open Apology Letter
Dear friends, please consider this an open apology letter for all of my trash talking about you. I get it now.
I’ve gotten several very concerned messages from what I’m imagining are now ex-readers of Sugar & Cloth wondering if the blog has changed and can I keep the “TMI” about my personal life to a minimum (see choice example message below). And I understand the concern, I really do.
I, too, was one of those people that thought to myself “does this person honestly post ANYTHING else besides their kids?”. I also dreaded the first day of school on Facebook wondering if the backpack photos would EVER end. I mean, I’m glad you love your kid but surely there’s got to be more to your life?!
And no, I don’t want to see photos of your kids proudly eating cookies for the first time, or having your endless posts asking for advice from fellow moms pushed on me. Surely you can text someone and spare the rest of us your breastmilk woes to spare the rest of us, right?!
Don’t even get me started about the words “colic” and “gassy”, oh if I had a nickel for all of the times I’d heard those words and didn’t give a crap at all (literally just took a break writing this post to Windi my child).
Now I’m over here eating my words from saying “that will never be me!”. Turns out I’ve never been more interested in someone’s bowel movements until I had a baby, haha. Oh, and I could wallpaper an entire house with just photos of her from 0 to 2 months without shame.
Which brings me to my next point: I’m sorry I’m not sorry about that. I didn’t understand until I became a parent either. This makes me a hypocrite and I’m okay admitting that.
Some of you may be wondering why I don’t just keep my personal joys separate on Instagram so that the blog content stays the same since, after all, this is a business. The short answer is that, yes, I could do that to keep you entertained without interruption of our usual scheduled programming, but I don’t have the energy to.
You are the reason that we’re able to do what we do here on S&C, and your loyalty is invaluable to me, but I’ve spent almost seven years trying everything I can think of (literally!) to keep entertaining you and making things seem perfect. And I’m tired.
If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still keep doing what we’re doing. That said, I want to do it because it’s a passion and an outlet and not because I’m begging you to stay. I realize that sharing more of our personal lives as a family behind the blog is not going to be for everyone – and we’re still going to share our regular colorful creations with you regardless — but I’m enjoying the freedom of sharing our day-to-day life, struggles, and joys with you in an unfiltered way.
Numbers don’t make me happy, but my family and authenticity do.
So if sharing those things in an honest way isn’t for you, then I understand. I was that person too. I’ve done MANY an unfollow or good trash-talking binge myself, but I’m currently loving nothing more than joining this new parent club with some of you!
To wrap up with word-vomit of a post, we are still the same old Sugar & Cloth and regular people faking it until we make it that you know (and hopefully love!), but we’re also adding a more pure glimpse into our life and story that you didn’t get to see much of before.
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