Little Sugar & Cloth: Gwen’s Newborn Photos

How is my baby already four months old already?! Isn’t it crazy how quickly they change when they’re this young? I feel like sometimes I wake up in the morning to a totally different baby girl and it’s very bittersweet.

I love getting to see her personality shining through but I want time to stand still too! Jared and I were talking about how much she’s changed already as we were thumbing through the 5,000,000 photos that we have of her on our phones, and I thought it would be fun to share Gwen’s newborn photos that my friend Michelle of The Cotton Collective took for us!


She was two and half weeks old when we had these taken, and I can say with 100% certainty that this was the most put together Jared and I were for the first 2 months of her life, ha! The rest of our first few weeks were spent in pj’s (or still wearing old maternity leggings in my case) while covered in spit up. Such good memories of our family fort in the living room adjusting to life with her…

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