Our Favorites from Luca’s Newborn Photos
In classic Ashley fashion, I am way late on sharing Luca’s newborn photos!
She’s a whopping four months old now. How did that simultaneously fly by and feel like forever ago?!
To be honest, I’m proud that I even managed to get newborn photos scheduled and photographed this second time around, especially with an unexpected hospital stay when she was two and a half weeks old.
Thankfully Rachel Stubbe was insanely patient with me needing to reschedule so many times. And I’m so happy to have these photos to look back on!
Needless to say, Gwen ended up having her own photoshoot half of the time during feeds anyways haha…
Not to worry, I’m still fully aware that I owe you all a toddler house bed DIY for Gwen’s colorful slat roof!
Several of you have asked for the how-to and it’s coming soon!
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