Our Newest Renovation + The Weekly Edit

new garage apartment floors

If ya’ll have been following on IG stories lately, you’ve noticed we have a new renovation underway! 

We’re working on a garage apartment makeover. The apartment is above Jared’s aunt’s garage and my brother will be moving into it within the next week or so. 

There’s really no way around the timing since his current lease is ending. So we’re knocking out the updates pandemic style!

It’s been a pretty bumpy ride considering most stores are closed, items are out of stock, and shipping has been slow. We’re slowly but surely chipping away at it though!

I’ve made a highlight on my Instagram for you to catch up on the reno saga and follow along!

painted board and batten

The Weekly Edit

Please note that we may earn a commission for some of the above affiliate links. However, products featured are independently selected and personally well-loved by us!

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  1. You’re an inspiration. I have some projects that I’ve been waiting on; you give me the mojo to get ’em done.

    1. Thank you, Lily. Definitely good to keep busy right now during COVID even though it’s been harder to see everything in person before purchasing!

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