Baby Names: What Were You Going to be Named or How Did You Decide On a Baby Name?
You guys, who knew naming a human was so much pressure?! Jared and I still haven’t officially decided on a name for baby girl, and I thought reading through my friend Kelly’s post on how people got their names was SO interesting.
I’m not going to lie, I also read through her comments to try and jack cool names from people, haha! Call me shameless…
“What were you going to be named?” might be the world’s most underrated question because, holy moly, there are some interesting stories to be heard there. I also love hearing how people decided on names for their babies too, so give us the scoop on yours!
Here’s the scoop on how our parents named us…
Ashley Elizabeth —
Apparently my Dad agreed to let my Mom pick out my name (what a guy!) as long as he got to choose my middle name (Elizabeth).
This is what my Mom had to say about reminiscing over picking out my name… “Interesting tid-bit…there were several Ashley’s that were born the same day and they accidentally brought us the wrong baby the second day in the hospital, ha!”.
Now if that’s not a classic “Ashley” story from the 80’s and 90’s, then I don’t know what is. If it wasn’t for me looking like a long lost twin of my Dad’s then things could be really questionable right now. Hence my insistence on naming our baby girl something unique so that 500 other people don’t turn around when we call her name. Now actually coming up with that name is easier said than done.
We have, however, decided to keep her name a secret until she’s born! We currently have one that we both really love after running through a list of several that didn’t feel right after we started calling her by it. We shall see!
Jared James —
Since Jared is a twin, his parents had double the go of it with deciding on names. They said they knew for sure that Jared would be the name of whichever boy came first, but it took them a while to decide on Jacob (his twin brother’s name).
Hilariously enough, “Jared” came from an old TV show, Big Valley (specifically this guy, they just changed the spelling). Basically Jared’s alter-ego in a nutshell, haha!
“James” came from his Dad’s name carried down. Clearly, the J names were a hit with the Smith’s!
So, how about you? How did you get your name or how did you decide on your baby’s name? Let’s hear it!…
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