Currently Streaming: What are your Netflix Must-Watch Shows?

Alright, so I’d love to share a DIY or recipe with you today, but honestly I just have Netflix on the mind. We’ve just wrapped up on a few huge deadlines (hint: a new website coming to you this weekend!!), and we only have a few more things to squeeze in this week before we get a day or two off. Right now we’re in Austin for a fun collab with Camille Styles, meetings, and then we’re back to Houston for a conference on Saturday and then finallllly Sunday can be my do-nothing-while-fighting-off-this-cold day!

Which only means one thing: I want to know what your current Netflix must-watch shows are! We’ve been watching a whole lot of NCIS. I happen to pick that because I love mysteries, but I also need something semi cheesy that doesn’t stress me out before bed. Oh, and that actually has an ending for most episodes. Otherwise I get bug eyed with the endlessly suspenseful series, and end up having to see the next episode. Then before you know it its 4am, and I’m grumpy and tired the next day and still wondering what happened. I mean, I still do it, but I try to reserve it for special occasions.

Here are a few that we’ve watched recently…

  1. NCIS – feel free to judge me for this, but once you get past the first initial awkward season, you actually really start to like it, ha!If you watch the newer seasons (like 12 and 13, which is how I stumbled upon the show), it’s not nearly as 2003 cheesy. We went back and started from the beginning after getting hooked, and we’re only on season 3 right now so we have a ways to go to catch up.
  2. Parenthood- I literally want to be one of the Bravermans. We watched this religiously.. and then some. We held hands, we cried (don’t tell Jared I told you), and then I stalked the actors on Instagram afterwards to fill a void. It wasn’t healthy per se, but I LOVED it.
  3. Murder in Paradise- we finished this series not too long ago, and I loved it. Again, it’s a comedy/mystery, but it ends every episode and doesn’t stress me out.
  4. Making A Murderer- Honestly, I couldn’t even finish the whole series. If I saw that freaky fiance, Jodi, laugh on the phone to Steven with her long fingernails and weird smile one more time, I might lose it. It just made me so uncomfortable. I made it to episode 6 and then gave up. There are PLENTY of articles floating around to fill me in, right? The question is: Do you think he did it?!? I just want someone to summarize a theory for me so I don’t have to wonder.
  5. Bloodline- This is one of those that fell into the category of me having to stay awake until ungodly hours of the night to see what happens next. We also made sure to visit all of the filming locations when we to Key West, and now I’m anxiously awaiting the second season and a period of time in my life where I can function on no sleep until it’s complete.

Okay, now you’re up! What are some of your favorites? Also note: I don’t do scary movies. I mean, I named a blog after sugar, what did you expect?

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  1. The Affair is amazing!!!!
    First few episodes are ok , but then it get really good. Well written and Maura tierney is perfect. and cole is super cute.

  2. I have to add the one I just started watching today: “Sensitive Skin” with Kim Cattrall. It’s about a just-past-middle age couple trying to figure out how to come to terms with aging when they’re conflicted with still having longings and questions they didn’t expect to be dealing with in their 50s. It’s intriguing.

    And, yes, “Master of None!” I second that one!

  3. Master of None is hilarious! And Parks and Rec, if you didn’t catch it the first time around, is so amazing. I’ve also watched all dance-related series I could find. There was one very YA one set in Australia that was so bad it was great!

  4. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. Dont be mistaken thinking this is a show only about small town Texas football. It’s about relationships and life. I learned so much about love and marriage from coach and mrs coach. It’s amazing. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose;)

  5. Netflix and I go in waves depending on how blog busy I am, but I definitely saw The Making of a Murder and pretty much wanted to hit something the entire time. I could never figure out who I was rooting for!

    I also like Scandal, House of Cards, Master of None and pretty much all the food related shoes, Chef’s Table, The Mind of a Chef, etc.

    PS – Can’t wait to see the new site design!

  6. Oh I loved Parenthood too! I just finished it a few weeks ago and have all the same feelings you described. We watched Making a Murderer, even though non-fiction usually isn’t my thing…just had to check it out after all the hype. After watching, my guess is he didn’t do it…but who knows.
    I love House of Cards (took me quite a few episodes to get into it though), Orange is the New Black, and Sense8 (LOVED this one). I really want to watch Blindspot next because I’ve gotten a lot of recommendations from friends, and it seems like my kind of show.

  7. -Parks & Recreation
    -The Walking Dead
    -Doc Martin
    -The Blacklist
    -Ripper Street
    -Rosemary & Thyme
    -Frankie & Grace
    -Gilmore Girls

    I’m all over the map on this one!

  8. House of Cards
    Parenthood (we adored too)
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I know but give it a try it’s old but awesome)
    United States of Tara
    Orange is the new black
    Parks and recreation
    Call the Midwife
    Hart of Dixie

    1. Oh my gosh! I’ll have to check it out, but I’m definitely one of those people that can’t watch something over and over. weird i know!

  9. If you like mystery/cop shows that are funny (and have endings – total feel that), you have to watch Psych!
    I also love White Collar, Bones, and Lie to Me!

    1. I loved Psych!! I didn’t watch all of them, but I totally forgot about it. That’s a great choice. I like Bones a lot too, and fell of the bandwagon while it was still on TV and I have cable…once upon on a time, forever ago. I need get caught back up on that!

  10. I got on the Making a Murderer bandwagon.. I tend to be drawn to non-fiction like this and Jinx. Not suuure what that says about me but no shame!

    I would have a go-to lighthearted show I can mindlessly watch. Maybe I’ll try Love per Amy’s rec above.

    Ok and 2 muy importante questions:
    1. You & Camille! Can’t wait to see. Did you make it to her home office? Tell her, Jenn and Chanel HI!
    2. What Houston conference? Tell me more, tell me more.

    1. Hey, no shame coming from me! You do you, girl!

      And no, today’s shoot was a SHDW studios, but I met Jenn for the first time and she’s great! It was so fun getting to collab.

      This weekend is Thrive Conference which I was supposed to speak at last year but I had to be out of town during the dates, so I’m making up for it this go around :)


  11. Just finished White Collar which I can’t stop encouraging (forcing) my friends to watch… the “if you don’t watch this and quote it with me we can’t be friends anymore” kind of way.

  12. I watched Love last weekend and I really, really likes it. Highly recommend that one. Also loved Master of None and You’re the Worst.

    1. I basically vouch for anything you recommend, so I’m going to add these to my list! Reading about Love and it looks awesome! xx Thanks B!

  13. Silicon valley : Hilarious!
    Lucifer: Cynically funny :)
    Marco Polo: cultural
    Mr Robot: Genial
    Blindspot : remind me of Memento (the movie) but has a nice, interesting story

    1. SO many people have recommended Silicon valley to me! I will look these up and add them to my list!! Thanks Francesca! xoxo

    1. hahaha! I hear you, I was almost committed to the end at that point too. Jared love all of the Dexters, so I’ve never gone back to watch them since he’s already been there and done that! Maybe that’s a good show for me to watch when he’s out of town so I’m not in trouble haha.

    1. I needs to looks into Narcos! I wasn’t a huge House of Cards fan because it kind of made me sad (i.e. breaking the dogs neck in the street). Lame things of me obviously haha, but I couldn’t help it..

  14. Sherlock is my absolute FAVORITE. Total bingewatching material, but it’s only 3 episode per season, so it’ll be over before you know. Definite void afterwards though (;

    1. Oh my goodness! I totally forgot about those! We did watch those and they were AMAZING. I thought this next 3 episode season as coming out this year, is it not?! Admittedly we don’t have cable, so I’m a little behind on usual news!