The Weekly Edit + Our Quick Weekend Trip

Hello, from Los Angeles! We’re here for a quick wedding weekend trip, and the weather is currently AMAZING. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t live here, but then I remember that I’m not cut out for the 24/7 hustle and bustle. I also don’t think I could handle being even further from all of my East coast family. Maybe someday!

We don’t have too many plans for our trip here since we head back Sunday, but I think we may make a trip to Malibu for the first time since we’re staying in Santa Monica this go around. Any recommendations for that?! You can follow along on our weekend via IG stories!

I also wanted to take a moment to thank you all SO much for those that signed up to sponsor a family, donated items, and/or volunteered at the drive last week. The silver lining of all of the Harvey storm was seeing the good still left in people. I’m so glad we’re able to use this platform to create waves of change, not just pretty things, and we’re able to do that because of your support.

For those of you that signed up to sponsor a family, you’ll be getting emails from us with your family match this week, so keep an eye out!

Lastly, I haven’t forgotten about sharing our house and studio renovation updates with you! We obviously got a bit behind after last week, and are crossing our fingers that construction will continue as usual despite the excess working needing done in Houston now. The photo above is a sneak peek of how the living room layout is coming along so far though!

We’re using the same construction team for the studio as we are the house, so, unfortunately, every setback we get for the studio causes a set back for the house. Adulting, am I right?!

Now for some weekly links for your reading pleasure….

This sloth pillow is obviously what happiness looks like

Apparently Starbucks has a secret menu with this drink on it and now fall won’t ever be the same

We’re pretty sure this puppy is everyone’s spirit animal

The 10 toxic work habits that you probably think are normal

This mom is convinced she’s Jennifer Aniston’s look-a-like and we’re living for it (you can only respect her confidence)

Pink chocolate now exists and we want all of it

A psychology professor read 1100 studies on love and came up with 17 of the most common strategies couple use to stay together

Can’t wait to relax with one of these podcasts after a long day!



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