DIY Pushing Daisies Halloween Couples Costume

Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth
Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth

photos by Ling Wang

First off, can we just openly laugh about how Jared looks like the missing member from N’Sync, and I look like I walked right off of a plastic Halloween costume bag from the nearest costume store? You win some, you lose some, right?! All in all, this Pushing Daisies couples costume idea is something you can definitely recreate with what’s in your closet — if you’re a hipster of course. Which apparently I am a little bit, but mostly I’m referring to Jared’s ensemble, which minus the apron.. and the random pie.. he would wear on a normal day.

Technically I’m not quite cool enough for my dress, because I’m friending up with Cheeky Vintage and was able to snag the perfect LRD (little red dress) from them for this outfit!

Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth
Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth

For Ned’s Outfit:

The good news is Ned’s outfit can definitely be re-worn, if you don’t own it all already!

Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth

For Charlotte’s Outfit:

  • Vintage red (retro floral) dress
  • Heels
  • Retro hair and makeup (thank you Bethany for this!)

Charlotte’s outfit is super simple to recreate, because you can wear just about any retro attire you want. Add a few faux daisies from a local craft store to seal the deal!

Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth
Hipster Halloween: DIY Pushing Daisies Costume - Sugar & Cloth

Also, this makes for the perfect substitution for the over-done Grease costumes, don’t you think?! You’re still getting the retro flair, but it’s a little more unique. Plus you’ll at least have pie with you at all times, ha!

photos by Ling Wang, hair and makeup by Bethany Elyse, styling by Sugar & Cloth,assisted by Kayla Haykin, models yours truly and my partner in crime Jared!

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  1. I love this SOOO much! One of my all-time favorite shows! If I could look like Chuck and dress like her every day I would be the happiest person ever. I am thinking I may have to do this for Halloween and also re watch the show!

  2. This is seriously genius! Don’t know why I never thought of this before since Pushing Daisies is my favourite tv show! Such a quick and easy costume!!

  3. This is such a great post idea!
    I really love it and you both look amazing ♥
    Your dress is also really fantastic!

    Have a wonderful day,

    The new new girl