My Real-Life Postpartum Fitness Goals

I hope you all are ready for a few of my favorite things in this post  — being overly honest, snagging a deal, and talking about our babies. Ha!

Even though Luca is only six weeks old, I really have the itch to feel more “myself” again. We’ve had two baby girls in the last three years and I REALLY love a good dessert. So it’s due time for me to set some realistic fitness resolutions. 

The folks at Gordman’s asked if I would be interested in partnering with them to share some of my 2020 goals. And I knew right away that I wanted to shop for new workout gear to get re-inspired!

I’ve never been one of those people that’s naturally fit. I really have to work at it and keep my eating in check to stay on a healthy track. I’m also a big fan of people sharing their real-life postpartum body. Because it can be pretty crushing to not compare, when you see so many perfectly “bounced back” mamas on social media.

I was at my peak fitness at our wedding due to working with a personal trainer (I’m 5’3 and weighed 130 pounds here). So when I got pregnant with Gwen a few months later, I was feeling like I was at a great starting point. 

At the end of my pregnancy with Gwen, I weighed 176 and jumped down to 152 after labor. I did Weight Watchers for a bit and was down to 145 when I got pregnant with Luca. 

I gained 40 pounds with Luca. And here we are at 6-weeks postpartum and 160 pounds…

The number one thing I found that made me feel better after having our first daughter, Gwen was to skip trying to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes right away. Workout gear is no different!

I spent WAY too much time re-wearing my maternity leggings after having Gwen. And I promised myself I wouldn’t do that this time around.

When I wore my maternity clothes, they were baggy in some places and made me feel frumpy. But trying to wear pre-pregnancy clothes made me feel defeated.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get transition clothes that make you feel good about yourself while you’re on the journey to your new normal. It makes a world of difference!

I snagged my New Balance shoes, Puma pants and jacket, a Calvin Klein sports bra, my yoga mat and weights from Gordman’s for $115!!

You all went wild after I shared a few snaps on IG Stories of the deals that I saw when I was shopping in Gordman’s. You particularly loved all of the Louis Vuitton and home decor goodies that I spotted. So I figured you’d appreciate my fitness deals! 

It’s basically a one-stop-shop of designer deals. So if it’s a new-to-you store, you should definitely check it out for designer items. 


Before I jump into my fitness plans, I wanted to share how easy it is to “hide” the parts of ourselves that we don’t love when it comes to sharing online.

These photos were taken right after each other on the same day, but tell a very different story. Don’t you think?! 

The photo on the left is my post-baby pooch with stretch marks and all. The photo on the right is with my new leggings pulled up high to hide it all. 

I say this as a reminder to all of us that people only share want they want us to see and comparison is the thief of joy! Trust me, I feel it too!

As for my 2020 fitness goals, I would be ecstatic to reach 135 pounds. That being said, I would be just as happy to feel more muscular and energized in general. 

I feel my best when I’m toned and eating well, much more than I care about an overall number.

Here’s my current fitness plan to ease back into it —

  • Get back into a groove with my WW Freestyle app.
  • Go on more walks with the girls around our neighborhood.
  • Do an at-home cardio workout through Obe two or three times a week. (Let’s be real. I’m way too deep in the newborn phase to go somewhere to work out yet!)
  • Drink 100 ounces of water per day.

My goals may seem overly simplified, but I’ve found that when I go too extreme on my expectations,  I don’t stick with them well. I’m really trying to set myself up for long-term success instead. 

Do you all have any at-home or easily attainable workouts that you love? If so, let’s hear it!

This post is sponsored by Gordman’s. Thank you for supporting the brands we love!

Please note that we may earn a commission for some of the above affiliate links. However, products featured are independently selected and personally well-loved by us!

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  1. Thank you for being real and sharing your heart and journey! You are beautiful in both pictures!! Being a mama, esp a new mama to a sweet baby girl (I’m a girl mama too x2) 🥰💕is difficult in itself so I commend you for trying to put yourself first for a few all while keeping those babes happy! I cannot wait to encourage you on this new journey! I’ve learned in the last 15 months that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that taking care of yourself is so important so you can then take care of those you love the most!

  2. Hi there! Thanks for sharing!! We are very similar! I had two kids in three years and needed to lose 40 lbs to get back to my dream weight which happened to be at my wedding weigh also! I’m 20 lbs down and 20 to go! My son is almost 2 so it’s been a slow process but that’s real! I bounced back fast and pretty naturally with my first but my second has been more of a challenge to lose. I’ve had previous success with Th weight watchers and 21 day fix. I’ve been using Noom this time and am happy with my success thus far. Thank you for sharing and keeping it real!!

  3. You look great now and this is good information for others to have! It encourages people and I think its important to have goals for the year!

    1. Thank you, Paige! We think it’s important to have goals too! We set them really high previous years so hopefully, we can achieve our 2020 goals! XOXO

  4. I really enjoyed reading your real life approach to your goals, very inspiring! I agree it is important to be realistic and focus on health and not just aesthetics!

    1. Thanks, Wilhelmina! We really do try to always paint a realistic picture of our life because social media can be deceiving!