Little Sugar & Cloth – Diaper Bag Essentials + My ToteSavvy Hack!

We’re still navigating the ways of packing for a newborn, so here’s our question— What are your diaper bag essentials or your best packing tricks?!

Little Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth

Alright, mamas, I want some of your input! We’re still learning the trade tricks of not looking like we’re moving in somewhere every time we leave the house with the baby.

But I am proud to say that I’ve discovered the beautiful thing that is ToteSavvy, which lets you turn any handbag or tote into an organized diaper bag.

It’s been a lifesaver for me since I’m not exactly the most organized! I’m still figuring out what I actually need versus what I like to call “new mom paranoid hoarding,”

but I’m sharing what I’ve been carrying around below. Essentially I keep these pink blush inserts packed at all times.

I use the large ToteSavvy insert for organizing my computer bag/diaper bag combo using this large handbag, and then the mini ToteSavvy insert for organizing this purse for a quick trip out, plus I can easily transfer the mini to this open backpack when having both arms free is a necessity.

It makes it super easy to switch between regular handbags based on the occasion without having to totally unpack and repack everything. Plus, I like the idea of spending money on a handbag that I can use over and over once we’re past the diaper bag phase, too.

Thank you to those who replied to my Instagram poll on IG stories on which purse to go with to transform into a diaper bag… I obviously kept both of them, lol.

I told myself it was a reward for birthing a human. Now getting to the nitty-gritty, what are your diaper bag essentials or hacks? Do any of you use the ToteSavvy, too?

Before I get to what I keep in mine, these are a few of the lessons I’ve learned already: always double-check that you have extra wet wipes (that was almost a disaster until I found three left in a travel size at the bottom of the bag!),

Never take Dr. Brown’s bottles anywhere without a travel cap on them instead of a nipple lid (if not, there will be leaks EVERYWHERE every. time.), and always have a spare outfit (I’ve just been taking zipper onesies as backup).

It does not have to be stressful to travel with a baby if you check out our list of 11 must-have baby travel gear.

Also, keep in mind she’s only 5 weeks old, so we haven’t gotten to the stage of needing teethers, toys, etc., around just yet!…

Little Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth

My Diaper Bag Essentials

1 — ToteSavvy inserts

The large and mini blush pink inserts are my jam!

2 — Flexible Ice Pack 

For keeping bottles cool and taking up a lot less space than a full ice pack. Plus, they fit in the Tote Savvy insulated pocket with a single bottle!

3 — On-the-go Wipes Case

I just refill it with Water Wipes and keep some extras in the same pocket.

4 — An Extra Pacifier 

Gwen uses her Wubbanub in the car seat, but I keep an extra Avent paci on hand in the bag just in case he goes missing.

5 — Diapers 

We also almost learned the hard way to overestimate this one. I credit the baby probiotics for that excessive use, haha!

6 — Pacifier Cleaner 

I actually use this as a baby-safe cleaner for all things, including my hands! Flu season is no joke right now.

7 — Disposable Changing Bed Liners 

Even though the tote insert comes with a changing pad, I don’t like the idea of laying it directly onto the changing station surface and then putting it back in the bag with the rest of our things.

So I bought these on Amazon for super cheap to be able to lay down before the changing pad and then toss afterward. It’s almost nice to have in case you need to change them somewhere random that you definitely won’t want leakage on, like the back seat of the car!

8 — Extra Clothes 

To make this easy, I’ve just been packing a zipper sleeper onesie instead of a full-on second outfit with socks, etc. One and done, my friends!

9 — My Wallet 

I tried just taking a few cards with me instead of a full wallet, but then I lost one the other day and refused to go that route again!

10 — Bottle(s)

Gwen is on a breastmilk-only diet, but I’ve been relying on pumping and bottle feeding when it comes to productively going anywhere since she’s eating SO often — literally every two hours or less lately.

If I didn’t pump, we’d basically never leave the house unless it was to sit in the car somewhere, feeding her in the backseat. She’s been having reflux issues, so I use the wide-neck premie nipples on Dr. Brown’s wide-neck bottles to slow the flow and reduce nipple confusion.

That said, I made the mistake of thinking the caps for those bottles were secure, and milk leaked everywhere, so now I just use a travel cap topper on the filled bottle and take the nipple top with us separately.

11 — The Shusher (aka magic!) 

She LOVES the Shusher! So much so that I have one for home and one that stays just in the diaper bag; it works like baby-calming magic! It’s only a temporary soother, but hey, it makes diaper changes far less traumatizing on everyone and keeps her at bay a little when I’m putting together the bottle.

12 — Bib & Burp Cloth 

Baby girl eats from a bottle about as gracefully as a gorilla, so we use a bib on her to save her outfit a bit plus, an extra burp cloth matches perfectly.

These cute neckerchiefs solve the problem of beating the heat when going to a very hot location, even if you only stay in the shade, and baby sunglasses can also help.

13 — Chapstick Stain 

This is for helping me look alive during the whole newborn thing.

14 — Lightweight Swaddle

This swaddle set is SO soft and ultralightweight, so it doesn’t take up much room in my bag. Plus, it’s perfect for Houston weather when it goes from warm to cold in a matter of hours.

15 – Gallon Ziploc Bags 

I keep a few of these folded up with me for soiled clothes, old bottles that haven’t been rinsed, etc.

Little Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and ClothLittle Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and ClothLittle Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and ClothLittle Sugar & Cloth: What Are Your Diaper Bag Essentials? + My ToteSavvy Hack! by top Houston lifestyle blogger Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth

That’s about all I’ve got so far in the diaper bag packing realm, and I’m excited to hear your tips!

More Baby-Related Reads

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A huge thank you to ToteSavvy for sponsoring this post and introducing me to the world of organized diaper bags, ha! Sugar & Cloth has chosen to donate 5% of all sponsored campaigns to charity, which you can read more about right here.

Please note that we may earn a commission for some of the above affiliate links. However, products featured are independently selected and personally well-loved by us!

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  1. I always pack extra things in my car so I’m not lugging everything in a bag all the time but it’s still close enough by if need be. Learned that after getting some major back issues between carrying a hefty baby and a diaper backpack!

  2. I don’t use any inserts, just an honest co diaper backpack, but ALWAYS make sure to pack extra nappies. I’ve made that mistake too many times.

  3. It’s been far, far too long since I’ve had to pack a diaper bag, but this is perfect for the my daughter in law. Sorry I couldn’t give advice!

    1. That is totally okay! They come out with new things every day anyways. :) I’m glad you could pass along to your daughter in law!