Homemade Macaron Ice Cream Recipe

This irresistible homemade macaron ice cream recipe is a match made in dessert heaven.

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

Looking for a delightful dessert that combines the delicate flavors of macarons with the creamy goodness of ice cream? Look no further than this delicious macaron ice cream recipe. 

Perfect for any time you’re craving a sweet treat, this homemade creation brings together two beloved desserts to create an irresistible combination. It’s like cookies’n’cream, except more refined.

So grab your apron and get ready to whip up a batch of this delectable macaron ice cream. It’s bound to become your new favorite indulgence!

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

Ingredients and Tools Needed

Macarons —  Crushed in the flavors of your choice. Consider complementary flavor combinations or a rainbow of flavors for a visually stunning dessert. We used a mix of chocolate, lemon, raspberry and more. You can bake your own macaron cookies or save time by using store-bought macarons.

Heavy whipping cream

Half and half

White sugar

Vanilla extract


Ice cream maker

Air tight ice cream container

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

How to Make Homemade Macaron Ice Cream

1 — In a large bowl, stir in the half and half, heavy cream, vanilla, and sugar until well combined or until the sugar is fully dissolved.

2 — Pour the mixture into the ice cream maker. Churn the mixture for about 10 minutes until it thickens just a bit. The ice cream will still be soft.

3 — Add in the macaron crumbles.

4 — Toss in a few sprinkles just before you’re finished mixing the ice cream. You will know when it is done when the ice cream rises to the top. Make sure to churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions since times vary by machine.

5 — Transfer the icecream into an airtight ice cream container, and let it sit in the freezer for about 1-2 hours to fully harden.

Now all you have to do is scoop and serve. And maybe even add an extra mac on top as a garnish!

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

Recipe Notes and Tips

Choosing your macarons:

Be aware that the darker and more vibrant color of the macarons you use, the more it will alter the color of the ice cream. We used mostly pastels and one dark red macaron, which is why ours has a slight pink tint to the ice cream.

Crushing up the macarons:

Macaron shells are very delicate so it doesn’t take much to crush them. Plus, it’s fine if they are not finely crushed since the ice cream maker will evenly combine them into the ice cream.

Do I need to heat up my ice cream mixture?

Some ice cream recipes will call for the ingredients to first be cooked and heated before going into the ice cream mixture. It is not required for this particular recipe since no eggs are involved.

However, you can add this additional step to dissolve the sugar faster. Just make sure that the mixture is cooled to room temperature before adding it into the ice cream machine.

How long does ice cream keep?

Ice cream will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. 

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

More Easy Ice Cream Recipes

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

homemade macaron ice cream recipe | sugar & cloth

Homemade Macaron Ice Cream Recipe

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5 from 9 votes
Love macarons? Love ice cream? This recipe is for you! Make your own delicious macaron ice cream at home with this easy recipe.
Cook Time30 minutes
Freeze Time2 hours
Total Time2 hours 30 minutes
Course Desserts
Cuisine Ice Cream


  • Ice cream maker
  • Air tight ice cream container 


  • 4 pieces macarons crushed in flavors of choice
  • 2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 cup half and half
  • 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sprinkles


Calories: 311kcal | Carbohydrates: 32g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 13g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 59mg | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 92mg | Fiber: 0.004g | Sugar: 32g | Vitamin A: 726IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 70mg | Iron: 0.1mg
Servings: 12
Calories: 311kcal


  • In a large bowl, stir in the half and half, heavy cream, vanilla, and sugar until well combined or until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  • Pour the mixture into the ice cream maker. Churn the mixture for about 10 minutes until it thickens just a bit. The ice cream will still be soft.
  • Add in the macaron crumbles.
  • Toss in a few sprinkles just before you're finished mixing the ice cream. You know when it is done when the ice cream rises to the top. Make sure to churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions since times vary by machine.
  • Transfer the icecream into an airtight ice cream container, and let it sit in the freezer for about 1-2 hours to fully harden.
KEYWORD: macron ice cream

Don’t forget to share your macaron ice cream with us on Instagram using the hashtag #sugarandclothloves. We always love seeing all of your creations! Looking for more quick and delicious recipes? Find them all right here!


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5 from 9 votes (2 ratings without comment)

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  1. This sounds really interesting! Macarons are some of my favourite treats EVER – and sprinkles are always a must when it comes to ice cream – so I’m sure this would be delicious 😋