DIY Snowball Pillow

Add some extra cozy textures and shapes to your living room decor with an easy and fun wool DIY Snowball Pillow!

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

I always enjoy the restful lull that inevitably follows the holiday season.

Needless to say, after Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year all in a row, I’m usually ready for a little break from the action.

One element of the holiday hullabaloo that I always miss is finding small fun ways to modify my home decor to fit the celebration or season.

To get a head start on keeping the house cozy after the holiday decor is packed away, I , Erin decided my living room needed a little extra texture.

And his playful DIY Snowball Pillow was the best way to celebrate the current state of things here in Minneapolis. SNOW!

It’s a simple round wool pillow trimmed with oversized wool balls that adds visual interest to the otherwise square pillow line-up on your sofa.

It’s definitely one of our top creative pillow ideas.


Materials and Tools Needed to Make a DIY Snowball Pillow

Wool felt beads or balls —  Our’s are 4cm in Dusty White. They can be found at local craft stores and online.

Grey felt fabric

Coordinating grey thread — Or any other coordinating color if you opt for a different fabric color

A small hand sewing needle for the thread

Coordinating flossing string

A large hand sewing needle for flossing string

Feathers or synthetic stuffing

Sewing machine

Sewing pins


DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

How to Make a DIY Snowball Pillow

Step 1 — Cut two identical 11″ circles from the grey felt.

Step 2 — Pin them together with their right sides facing inward toward each other.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

Step 3 — Thread your sewing machine with the coordinating thread and sew around the circle’s edge with a 1/2″ seam allowance.

Leave about 5″ of the circle un-sewn. You’ll need this opening to be able to stuff your pillow.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

Step 4 — Turn the pillow right side out, and stuff your pillow with either feathers or synthetic stuffing.

Step 5 — Then, turn the edges of the 5″ opening inward 1/2″ and pin them together.

Step 6— Use a whip stitch to close up the pillow.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

Step 7 — Thread your larger needle with a flossing string, double knot the end, and thread it straight through one of the wool beads.

Depending on how large your needle is, you may need a tweezer or pliers to help you pull the need through the other side of the wool bead.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

Step 8 — Thread the flossing string through both layers of fabric at the pillow seam.

Step 9 — Then, thread it back through the wool bead, and pull the wool bead as tight as you can to the pillow.

This will keep the beads structured and prevent them from flopping all around.

Step 10 — Lastly, double knot the two “tails” together and trim.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the remaining wool beads.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - WinterDIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

Helpful Hints for Making Your Pillow

Don’t forget to plan out the spacing of the wool beads to make sure they evenly cover the entire circumference of the pillow.

I found a spacing of 1/16″-1/8″ was a good spacing between beads for the DIY Snowball Pillow.

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - WinterDIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

I chose a neutral combination of colors for my DIY Snowball Pillow.

But there are TONS of wool bead colors out there to fit every home decor color scheme. It looks great with all this rattan furniture we love these days.

What colors would you love to see?

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More Easy Throw Pillows to Make

If you love this DIY Snowball Pillow, you might also want our related posts below —

DIY Snowball Pillow - Sugar & Cloth - Houston Blogger - DIY - Home Decor - Winter

DIY Snowball Pillow

5 from 1 vote
This easy diy project is the perfect way to add some extra cozy textures and shapes to your living room decor.
Prep Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour
Course DIY
Category Pillow


  • Small hand sewing needle for thread
  • Larger hand sewing needle for flossing string
  • Sewing machine
  • Sewing pins
  • Scissors



  • Cut two identical 11″ circles from the grey felt.
  • Pin them together with right sides facing inward toward each other.
  • Thread your sewing machine with the coordinating thread and sew around the edge of the circle with a 1/2″ seam allowance.
    Leave about 5″ of the circle un-sewn. You’ll need this opening to be able to stuff your pillow.
  • Turn the pillow right side out, and stuff your pillow with either feathers or synthetic stuffing.
  • Then, turn the edges of the 5″ opening inward 1/2″ and pin them together.
  • Use a whip stitch to close up the pillow.
  • Thread your larger needle with flossing string, double knot the end, and thread it straight through one of the wool beads.
    Depending on how large your needle is, you may need a tweezer or pliers to help you pull the need through the other side of the wool bead.
  • Thread the flossing string through both layers of fabric at the pillow seam.
  • Then, thread it back through the wool bead, and pull the wool bead as tight as you can to the pillow.
    This will keep the beads structured and prevent them flopping all around.
  • Lastly, double knot the two “tails” together and trim.
    Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the remaining wool beads.
Cost: $20
KEYWORD: diy snowball pillow

Don’t forget to share your DIY Snowball Pillow with us on Instagram using the hashtag #sugarandclothloves. We always love seeing all of your creations! Looking for more interior design inspiration? You can find them all of our home decor tutorials and ideas right here! 


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