Brown Sugar Simple Syrup Recipe

Brown sugar simple syrup is a rich flavored versatile ingredient that’s perfect for sweetening up your cocktails, coffee, or tea and even your cakes. Learn how to make this homemade brown sugar simple syrup with just two pantry staples!

brown sugar simple syrup - black liquid in a jar beside a sugar

Simple syrup is one of the most versatile, common and easy-to-make ingredient for cocktails. And if you’re a fan of adding a touch of sweetness to your favorite beverages or desserts, then brown sugar simple syrup may be just the ingredient you need to elevate your creations.

This rich and flavorful syrup is incredibly easy to make, requiring just two ingredients that come together in mere minutes.

Not only does it add a distinct caramel-like taste to cocktails, coffees, teas, and baked goods, but it also offers a unique depth of flavor that regular white sugar simply can’t match.

So get ready to enhance your culinary repertoire with this delightful sweetener!

simple syrup ratio - container with half full of sugar

What is Brown Sugar Simple Syrup? Why Use It Instead of Regular Sugar?

Brown sugar simple syrup is a gluten free sweet liquid mixture made by dissolving brown sugar in water. So technically, it is still sugar… but more like brown sugar water.

However, the syrup consistency makes it much easier to mix with drinks, especially in cold drinks that make it much more difficult to dissolve sugar. It’s thick like maple syrup but less sweet.

Some drinks such as mojitos call for sugar. But most cocktail recipes (like Old Fashioneds) call for simple syrup to evenly spread the sweetness. Because do you really want the sugar just sitting at the bottom?!?

Simple syrup can be used also to sweeten iced tea, coffee, lemonade, or almost any hot or cold drink. It can even be used in baked goods or even drizzled on top to moisten your dessert.

Typically, simple syrups are made with equal parts of water and sugar. But for a richer syrup, you can use 2 parts sugar and 1 part water. 

Using brown sugar instead of granulated white sugar in classic simple syrup introduces a deeper, caramel-like flavor profile, imparting a richer and more complex taste to your recipes.

how to make brown sugar syrup - finely made brown sugar syrup

What Type of Brown Sugar to Use for this Brown Sugar Simple Syrup

There are many different types of brown sugar available. It’s best to use light or dark brown sugar. They will impart slightly different flavors to your dishes. It’s a matter of personal preference and what you feel will complement your recipe best.

  • Light brown sugar: This type has a milder flavor with a subtle molasses taste. It works well in recipes where you want a gentle sweetness without an overpowering molasses flavor.
  • Dark brown sugar: Dark brown sugar has a stronger molasses flavor and a deeper color. It lends a richer, more caramel-like taste to your recipes. It’s excellent for recipes that benefit from a more robust sweetness and a pronounced molasses flavor.

For a richer and deeper flavor, we recommend using Demerara sugar or Muscovado sugar (which will have an espresso like flavor). Both feature higher concentrations of molasses, allowing for a richer flavor and color.

simple sugar - close up shot of a brown sugar

How to Make Brown Sugar Syrup

1 — In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the brown sugar and water.

2 — Cook the mixture, stirring frequently, until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is heated through. This should take little time (about 2-3 minutes.) Once the sugar is dissolved, let the mixture simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes. This allows the syrup to thicken slightly.

3 — Remove the saucepan from heat and let the syrup cool to room temperature. It will thicken a bit more as it cools.

Recipe Notes and Tips

How to store simple syrup recipes:

Once it has reached room temperature, store it in a sealed airtight container (like a mason jar). Always use clean utensils or a clean pour spout when taking out syrup to prevent contamination.

How long does simple syrup last?

When kept in the fridge, simple syrup can last for a month. Rich syrups (that call for 2 parts sugar and 1 part water) can last a bit longer for up to 3 months. Flavored sugar syrup recipes like our mint simple syrup, need to be strained very well before storing.

Can you freeze it?

If you’ve made a large batch and won’t use it within a month, consider freezing small portions in ice cube trays. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe container. When needed, thaw the cubes in the refrigerator.

Experiment with the flavors: 

You can add flavorings like a teaspoon of vanilla extract, cinnamon or a cinnamon stick, or a pinch of salt for additional depth of flavor if desired.


how to make brown sugar syrup - water liquid pouring down brown sugar

More Easy Recipes

And now that you know to how to make brown sugar simple syrup, try making it with the following recipes below —

how to make brown sugar syrup - finely made brown sugar syrup

Brown Sugar Simple Syrup Recipe

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5 from 5 votes
Brown sugar simple syrup, a deep caramel-colored syrup with a rich flavor, perfect to sweeten all kinds of beverages and baked goods.
Prep Time15 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine Syrup


  • Saucepan
  • Measuring cups


  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup filtered water


Serving: 15fl oz | Calories: 418kcal | Carbohydrates: 108g | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 37mg | Potassium: 146mg | Sugar: 107g | Calcium: 95mg | Iron: 1mg
Servings: 2 cups
Calories: 418kcal


You’ll need only one or two spoons of the syrup for each drink. 


  • In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the brown sugar and water.
  • Bring to a boil and keep stirring until all the sugar has dissolved.
    Cook the mixture and bring to a boil, stirring frequently until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is heated through. Once the sugar is dissolved, let the mixture simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes. This allows the syrup to thicken slightly.
  • Remove the saucepan from heat and let the syrup cool to room temperature. It will thicken a bit more as it cools.
KEYWORD: brown sugar simple syrup

Don’t forget to share your brown sugar simple syrup with us on Instagram using the hashtag #sugarandclothloves. We always love seeing all of your creations! Looking for more quick and delicious recipes? Find them all right here with a few cocktails to go along with them!

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5 from 5 votes (2 ratings without comment)

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  1. Incredible!!! Love it over some waffles & I am imagining it on so many other things. I am keeping some on hand!5 stars

    1. Waffles! That’s actually something great that we didn’t think of pouring this syrup over! Thanks, Kristyn!